Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Crude Oil Its Uses and Benefits

The earth has become a better place to live on thanks to the many discoveries of mankind which has very well improved the lifestyle of the modern man. There had been many breath taking discoveries and many precious metals and commodities have been excavated from mother earth till now.

Though most of these commodities like metals have been used for many industrial applications nothing can be compared when it come to the usefulness of crude-oil. Indeed this has been the most valuable commodity that has been drilled out from earth and which has readily changed the lifestyle of human beings. In today's world anything we use for our daily purpose is indirectly linked to this precious commodity crude_oil. In today's world the largest producers of this precious crude oil are the countries of Saudi Arabia, Russia and followed by United States of America.

If we go deep into the chemistry of the crude-oil, it can be said that it is made up of a hydrocarbon mixture. It is found as a liquid in its natural form and found within the formations of earth's crevices. The crude oil is otherwise called as petroleum and it has been found within the porous rock formations deep inside the earth due to the decomposition of the dead organic matter millions of years ago.

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