Monday, February 4, 2008

Bio Diesel - Jatropha curcas


  1. 31 to 37 % of oil is extracted from a Jatropha seed. Jatropha Curcas seed can be used as Bio diesel for any diesel engine without modification
  2. Selling treated Jatropha seeds, and quality sapling
  3. Dark blue dye and wax can be produced from the bark of the Jatropha curcas plants
  4. Jatropha plant Stem is used as a poor quality wood : Bio fuel
  5. Jatropha curcas leaves helps in dressing the wound.
  6. Jatropha roots help in making yellow dye
  7. Juice of the flowers of Jatropha curcas and the Jatropha stem has very good medicinal properties
  8. Pounded seeds are used in tanning
  9. Press Cake : Jatropha becomes Organic fertilizer and soil improver
  10. Jatropha curcas extracted oil are used as : Bio Diesel, Varnishes, Illuminants, Soap, Pest control and Medicinal for skin diseases, as purgative
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