Jatropha curcas or Barbados nut or Physic nut is a perennial poisonous shrub (up to 5 m high[1]]) belonging to the Euphorbiaceae or spurge family. The plant, originating in Central America, is mainly grown in Asia and in Africa, where it is known as Pourghère. It is resistant to a high degree of aridity and as such does not compete with food crops. When the seeds are crushed, the resulting jatropha oil can be processed to produce a high-quality biodiesel fuel that can be used in a standard diesel engine.
1 Cultivation
2 Processing
3 Biodiesel potential
4 Other uses
5 Other names
6 See also
7 References
8 External links
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
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3:27 PM
Jatropha curcas seed
Cultivation is uncomplicated. Jatropha curcas can grow in wastelands and grows almost anywhere, even on gravelly, sandy and saline soils. It can thrive on the poorest stony soil and grow in the crevices of rocks. Complete germination is achieved within 9 days. Adding manure during the germination has negative effects during that phase, but is favourable if applied after germination is achieved. However, it is usually multiplied by cuttings, because this gives faster results than multiplication by seeds. The flowers only develop terminally, so a good ramification (plants presenting many branches) produces the greatest amount of fruits. Another productivity factor is the ratio between female and male flowers within an inflorescence (usually about 1 female to 10 male flowers - more female flowers mean more fruits)[2]. Jatropha curcas thrives on a mere 250 mm (10 in) of rain a year, and only during its first two years does it need to be watered in the closing days of the dry season. Ploughing and planting are not needed regularly, as this shrub has a life expectancy of approximately forty years. The use of pesticides and other polluting substances are not necessary, due to the pesticidal and fungicidal properties of the plant.
In the early 1990s, a growth trial in Nicaragua covering 2000 hectares (4940 acres) did not live up to expectations, yielding only a disappointing 200 litres of Jatropha oil per hectare (21 US gallons/acre).[citation needed] However, Jatropha is well able to yield as much as 1900 litres of diester per hectare (200 US gallons/acre), largely exceeding the capacity of rapeseed.[3]
Seed extraction is made simple with the use of the Universal Nut Sheller, an appropriate technology designed by the Full Belly Project.[4] The oily seeds are processed into oil, which may be directly used to fuel combustion engines or may be subjected to transesterification to produce biodiesel. Jatropha oil is not suitable for human consumption. A colourant can also be derived from the seed.
Biodiesel potential
Main article: Jatropha biodiesel
Other uses
(The information in this section is largely inspired from the Purdue University - Center for New Crops and Plants Products website [5].)
The young leaves may be safely eaten, steamed or stewed. Cooked with goat meat, they are said to advantageously counteract its smell.
Pounded leaves are applied near horses' eyes to repel flies in India.
The species is listed as a honey plant[6].
Sometimes roasted and eaten, although they are purgative.
They can be burned like candlenuts when strung on grass[7].
Used as a contraceptive in South Sudan[8].
Also used as a contraceptive in South Sudan[9].
The oil has been used for illumination, soap, candles, the adulteration of olive oil, and making Turkey red oil. Turkey red oil, also called sulphonated (or sulfated) castor oil, is the only oil that completely disperses in water. It is made by adding sulfuric acid to pure Jatropha oil[10]. It was the first synthetic detergent after ordinary Soap, as this allows easy use for making bath oil products. It is used in formulating lubricants, softeners, and dyeing assistants[11].
The seeds in the zone around Misantla, Veracruz are very appreciated by the population as food once they have been boiled and roasted. It is unclear if this is due to the existence of a non-toxic variety of Jatropha in Mexico and Central America, or if the seeds become eatable once processed by cooking[12].
It is also similarly reported that Jatropha seeds are edible once the embryo has been removed[13]. Again it may be so because of these seeds coming from a local non-toxic variety.
Their ashes are used as a salt substitute[14]. It can be used to kill molluscs[15], and has been listed for homicide, piscicide, and raticide as well[16].
Used as a fish poison[17].
Strongly inhibits the watermelon mosaic virus[18].
It stains linen. Sometimes used for marking[19].
Mexicans grow the shrub as a host for the lac insect, which is used in medicine as hepatoprotective and antiobesity drug. (Picture of lac insect here [7]; drawing of insect, its larva and a colony here[8])
Used for erosion control[1], [20]
Other names
Pinhão manso in Brazil
Tempate in Nicaragua
kasla in Philippines
Purging nut
See also
Energy crop
Non food crop
^ a b “Jaropha curcas l. in Africa - Assessment of the impact of the dissemination of “the Jatropha System” on the ecology of the rural area and the social and economic situation of the rural population (target group) in selected countries in Africa”[1].
^ "Generative propagation of Jatropha curcas L. on Kalahari Sand." in The Jatropha Journal.
^ Steven Hobbs Bio-diesel, farming for the future
^ - The Full Belly Project
^ Purdue University-Center for New Crops and Plants Products
^ Little, Woodbury, and Wadsworth, 1974. In The Jatropha Website
^ Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962. In The Jatropha Website
^ List and Horhammer, 1969–1979. InThe Jatropha Website
^ List and Horhammer, 1969–1979. In The Jatropha Website
^ [2]
^ CastorOil.in – Home of Castor Oil Online [3]
^ Birgit Schmook (cited by Henning), in “Assessment of the potential of Jatropha curcas, (biodiesel tree) for energy production and other uses in developing countries.” Mike Benge (bengemike at aol dot com), Senior Agroforestry Officer, USAID (Ret.) July 2006 and updated August 2006[4]
^ Levingston and Zamora (cited by IPGRI), in “Assessment of the potential of Jatropha curcas, (biodiesel tree) for energy production and other uses in developing countries.” Mike Benge (bengemike at aol dot com), Senior Agroforestry Officer, USAID (Ret.), July 2006 and updated August 2006. [5]
^ Morton, 1981. In The Jatropha Website
^ Agaceta et al., 1981. In The Jatropha Website
^ Duke and Wain (1981). In The Jatropha Website
^ Watt and Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962. In The Jatropha Website
^ Tewari and Shukla, 1982. In The Jatropha Website
^ Mitchell and Rook, 1979. In The Jatropha Website
^ “Jaropha curcas l. in Africa - Assessment of the impact of the dissemination of “the Jatropha System” on the ecology of the rural area and the social and economic situation of the rural population (target group) in selected countries in Africa”[6].
External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
Jatropha curcas
Suppliers of Jatropha Seeds with International Delivery:
Jatropha Curcas Seed.
Jatropha Curcas Plantation Consulting
Jatropha plantation from 'Soil to Oil'
A Self-help Assistance Program's Jatropha Tree Planting Project
Jatropha Facts and Figures
Jatropha Plant power can solve fuel problem
An Integrated Approach of Rural Development in Tropical & Subtropical Countries.
The worldwide online Jatropha Portal
Forum Jatropha - http://www.jatropha.forumactif.com
Size does matter - The possibilities of cultivating Jatropha curcas for biofuel production in developing countries. Case study report on the relationship with food security. Contains lots of references and background information.
"Mali’s Farmers Discover a Weed’s Potential Power", New York Times, September 9, 2007. Retrieved on 2007-09-09.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Jatropha Curcas
Center of Excellence for Jatropha Biodiesel Promotion
Forum : "Jatropha curcas : l'or vert du désert" - (French)
Bio Fuel production and reduction of deforestation in Nepal by R. Pahari.
Geo magazine, May 2007 edition (in German).
“Jaropha curcas l. in Africa - Assessment of the impact of the dissemination of “the Jatropha System” on the ecology of the rural area and the social and economic situation of the rural population (target group) in selected countries in Africa”. Annexe 7 of this paper presents an “Economic analysis of JCL utilization in Tanzania - Economy of Jatropha Utilization in Tanzania. Data from Kakute, 2003”, covering small-scale economic data on the collection of seeds, oil making and soap making.
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3:25 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
desert can save difficulty of this country in providing oil fuel ( BBM) for public?people. From around 13 million hektare arid farm in all Indonesia, if cultivated [by] fence distance tree can yield more than 400 thousand diesel fuel barrels per day. With this production, mengutak-atic confused unnecessary government of RAPBN proposes fluctuation the price of oil.
Body Center Statistic mentions, semester I this year, Indonesia imports oil for the price of US$ 28,37 billions. The value bigger than same period of year before all, what reachs US$ 20,96 billions. One of type BBM which many consumed is diesel fuel. Up this moment until now, consumption of diesel fuel 460 thousand barrels, or 73.140.000 litres per day. Height of diesel fuel usage number, his(its real not must closed through import. There are some alternative energy source which able to be substitution in the place of diesel fuel. One of them is energy biodiesel castor oil base barium. Making of alternative energy, now starts symptom in various world clefts.
Some of states something develops biodiesel, partly other activates bioetanol. This means, Indonesia is not alone when looking for alternative energy source. Its proof, state as of United States class only, still stiring digs new energy source. First week, this August, President ACE George W Bush signs Bill of Energy ( Energy Bill) special arranges Bio Fuel. Similar symptom also emerges among world oil company. For example, North Dakota Biodiesel Inc investing US$ 50 million for project of biodiesel in Minot, North Dakota, USA. this Biodiesel bases on at crop canola ( oat). This lah the biggest project in North America region, with produce of 100 thousand tons BBM.
Biodiesel yielded out of 144 thousand garden hectares canola. Palm oil producer in Malaysia, IOI Corp and Kuok Oil & Grains builds two distillations of palm oil in Roterdam producing multiple million palm oil tons in one years. This industry plans fulfills requirement of biodiesel in Europe in future. Meanwhile, giant oil company Brazil, Petrobras will increase ethanol export to 9,4 litre billions at 2010, from two litre billions the year 2005.
Now, Japan Mitsui & Cobalt and Vale does Rio Doce ( CVRD) partakes supports plan Petrobras through improvement study of ethanol export Brazil. The world company not without reason if dropping choice to biodiesel. More than anything else in chemistry principle, invention of alternative energy differs in thin with invention of conventional energy ( petroleum). Because, said Direktur PT Rekayasa Industri Triharyo Soesilo, both pari pasu activates solar energy. " But, petroleum happened because dipress so much time ( in earth stomach). But the energy can be simulation in flora or fruits," adds it.
simulation process of This energy lah yielding fuel biodiesel. Unhappily as equator state, the sun energy conversion maximum Indonesia has not. Differs in its(the fact with other state of which all equator state. Brazil, for example. this Samba Country on file the sun energy conversion success in sugar. Now, Brazil has yielded Bioetanol sold by US$ 25 per barrel. " There is a telling theory, later this world when pot is clean petroleum, its(the soil;land;ground will be divided two. Soil area of fertility for food, soil;land;ground is not productive for fuel through biodiesel, bioetanol, and others," papar Triharyo. Out of 13 million hektare dry farming in all fatherland, less than 10% which has and will be used.
This irony, because growth of distance tree exactly perfect if planted in dry farming. If Indonesia has just exploited less than 10%, signs has not optimal of dry farming exploiting. Now, said Triharyo, there is three institutes planting distance. Firstly, plantation property of PT Industrial Engineering and Institut Teknologi Bandung ( ITB) location in West Nusa Tenggara ( NTB) with a width of 12 ha with 30 thousand trees. Second, plantation property of PT Energy Alternative Of Indonesia ( there is 48 thousand trees). Third, Department of Agriculture ( 3 thousand trees) in East Nusa Tenggara ( NTT).
Besides, PT Eagle Nusantara Indonesia ( RNI) also plans plants fence distance in 2000-2500 ha hairless farm in coming Purwakarta, Oktober. Before all, RNI has planted in Indramayu with a width of 850 ha. In Bireun, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, ITB, INSTITUT PERTANIAN BOGOR ( IPB), and Departemen Sosial ( Depsos) cooperates animates 400 ha area of stall. Three months again, said Oceanic Professor and Perikanan IPB Rohmin Dahuri, result of distance tree conducting has been enjoyed.
Diesel fuel yielded will fulfill requirement of 200 ships, one ice plants, one cool storage, and one power station units of diesel energy. " Which more beautiful for fisherman. The Price Rp 2.000-2.500 per litre. Actually Rp 1500 returning to s(he is because distance managed from core factory bought from they," explains Rohmin. According to calculation PT Industrial Engineering, out of three million ha dry farming will be yielded 92 thousand diesel fuel barrels per day. To fulfill the farm is required [by] around 7,5 seed billions. If(when from all desert with a width of 13 million ha is planted fence distance, diesel fuel yielded more than 400 thousand barrels, Even have been planted in some places, distance conducting has not been co-ordinated nationally. Ironic this, remembers level of potency rear his(its.
Imagines, pilot project in NTB and Cilacap ( Central Java), said Tutik Herlina Mahendrato, business manager PT Industrial Engineering, have been peeped at a number of investors. At the time of at the same, PT Energy Alternative Of Indonesia has developed biodiesel fruit of distance into industrial scale. a factory with capacities produce of 1000 litres solar/hari, now stands up in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta Utara. Product biodiesel have been sold to entrepreneur of Japan, and a number of local SPBU.
National Movement There is many considerations makes biodiesel as national project. Besides business potency, also complete having immeasurable constraint rear his(its. There must be which able to answer why 13 million ha dry farming se-Indonesia is not tilled properly. Farms which spread over in Sumatra region, Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, Java part of south, and Papua is let layed.
Its(the chance doesn't differ from malefactor which bes awaiting doom. " According to me, government must take initiative," says Rohmin. Whereas Triharyo tells, president must soon releases special regulation. All Department must be condition to support and campaigns making and usage biodiesel.
Forum Chief Biodiesel Indonesia ( FBI) Tatang Soerawidjaja, highlights communications each institution. Expansion of biodiesel impressed road(street x'self because communicationses between expert, industrialist, and government has not run. But its(the profit, Pertamina as personification of government has exposed x'self. " If(When Pertamina has played hence expansion of biodiesel have been there is no problem again," specifically. ( c64/c74) Source : Investor Daily Online ( 27/8/05) ***
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12:50 AM
Jatropha curcas
fence pageant ( Jatropha curcas L., Euphorbiaceae) be wood bush plant which many found in tropic area. This plant recognized hardly drought resistance and easy to be multiplied with cutting. Although has is old known as curative material and poison, now s(he more and more gets attention as source of biofuel for diesel engine because its(the seed oil content. Role that is somewhat similar have been long enough been played by nearness consanquinity, tree distance ( Ricinus communis), which its(the seed yielding mixture oil for Iubricant.
Based on observation to variance in nature, this plant believed comes from Middle America, precisely in part of Mexico south, though is found also variance that is enough height in area Amazon. Spreading to African and Asia is anticipated done by the explorers Portugis and Spanyol based on evidence in the form of local name.
Ability to be multiplied in klonal causes variety of this plant not too big. Even though, because s(he is be including crossfertilization plant hence easy to happened recombination of character bringing to variance level that is enough is height.
Seed ( with cochlea) fence distance contains 20-40% vegetable oil, but part of seed core ( seed without cochlea) can contain 45-60% harsh oil. Based on analysis to composition of fatty acid out of 11 provenans fence distance, known that dominant fatty acid is oleic acid, linoleic acid, stearic acid, and Palmitic acid. composition of Oleic Acid and linoleic acid varies, while two remaining fatty acids, coincidence is saturate fatty acid, stays at composition that is permanent relative ( Heller 1996).
Fence distance looked into to draws as source of biodiesel because its(the high oil content, competition doesn't for other exploiting ( for example if it is compared to coconut sawit or sugar cane), and has a real interesting agronomy characteristic.
Posted by
12:34 AM